Workshop 4 Rhino

For this assignment we are designing a molded plastic chair using Rhino. Rhino does a great job of making complex surface modelling easy and accurate. Design wise I have been looking at chairs by the Eames, Marcel Breur and Alvar Aalto which I have posted images. Making the model in Rhino has not been hard at all, the surface tools work great and overall the program is very user friendly. The render engine works great for a quick output, or a more detailed image that shows material quite well. I have also used Rhino to model objects that can be exported to a cnc router machine to be cut out of a material to great success. Also many people use Rhino in my current furniture studio to model complex curves, which can then be laser cut out and used as an accurate jig.







Here are also some good links I referenced.  Cutting Sections in Rhino,  Good Basics on Rhino



~ by davidn55 on August 3, 2011.

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